Academic Departments » School Counseling » Frequently Asked Questions for the Class of 2025

Frequently Asked Questions for the Class of 2025

Is the GPA and Class Rank weighted?

Yes, Dover High School uses a weighted scale for both Class Rank and GPA.


What is the scale that Dover High uses for reporting GPA?

GPA is reported using a 4.0 scale.


What is the class size for the class of 2025?



What is the CEEB Code?

Dover’s CEEB code is 300-135


Do I need to meet with my School Counselor before I apply to colleges?

YES.  Students need to make appointments with their Counselor throughout the college application process.  The School Counselor needs to know the list of schools that are being applied to (even if applying online).


What does my School Counselor need to write me a recommendation?

Students should ask their School Counselor to write a letter for them (remember to ask at least two weeks before the deadline). 

Students are responsible for getting the following forms to their school counselor:

§ Self-Evaluation Form (google form on Counselor's Google Classroom)

§ Two Pink Sheets (Student Evaluation Forms-from teachers not writing their recommendation) 

Once the Counselor has these three forms then they can complete your recommendation.


How does my School Counselor get my recommendation & transcript onto the Common Application?

§ Students fill in their School Counselor’s information into the Common Application under the section “Education.”  It is extremely important that all information (name, email address, phone…) is filled in correctly with no spelling errors. 

§ The last tab on the Common Application, “School Forms,” is where the student gives permission for their Counselor to release their information to the colleges they are applying to. 

§ To do this the student clicks on “Invite Official” and clicks on “Counselor.” All of the Counselor’s information will come up and then you can click on “Send Invitation.” 

§ We recommend that the student also send a follow-up email to their School Counselor asking if they received the request through Common App. 

§ Once we receive the request through Common App and the Green & Pink Forms, the “School Report” is filled out and submitted within 10 working days.  Remember to send this request two weeks before the deadline.

§ The School Report includes the student’s transcript, most recent report card, and a letter of recommendation.   


Can I submit my application even if the School Report or Teacher Recommendation has not been submitted yet?

Yes.  You are allowed to submit your online application before all your teachers or school counselors submit their school forms.


What do I do if I am contacted by my school saying they haven’t received my transcript, report card, or SATs?

§ Don’t panic.  Contact the school and ask what is missing.

§ If the materials were mailed in then they are most likely at the admissions office, but not processed yet. 

§ If it is SATs check your College Board account to make sure you schools are listed to receive your scores.  Remember the scores are available approximately three weeks after the test date.

§ If it is your School Report & transcript then check with your School Counselor to make sure the request was accurately sent through Common App. Remember it can take up to two weeks for your Counselor to submit your School Report; don’t wait until the deadline. 

§ If it is the report card check in with your School Counselor and ask for the most recent report card to be uploaded.


What do I do if I plan on playing Div. I or Div. II athletics in college?

  You must register with NCAA at:


What are Supplements?

Supplements are additional questions specific to each college that is being applied to.  Not all schools have supplements.  It is important to check to see if your schools require one.