Health Services/ School Nurse » Health Services/School Nurse

Health Services/School Nurse

Welcome to Health Services (603) 516-6928  Fax (603) 516-6926
Andrea Minnis - School Nurse  [email protected]
Chalagne McKane - School Nurse  [email protected]
Kristin Swartzendruber - Health Office Admin. Asst. [email protected]

The school nurse is at school each day to serve the needs of the students in case of sudden illness or injury.  Immediate first aid will be given with further treatment being the responsibility of parents and/or guardians.  Parents or guardians are contacted only if the nature of the illness or injury appears to require further attention.  If a parent cannot be contacted, the person designated by the parent on the Emergency Form will be called.  It is important for parents to keep this information up to date by notifying the Health office of any change.

Emergency Forms
: Each student must return a completed emergency form every school year. This form is vital in providing up-to-date medical information on your student and phone numbers to use in case of an emergency.

Medication Policy: Students are not permitted to carry prescription or non-prescription medication.  All medication including non-prescription medication such as Tylenol/Advil must be supplied by the parent/guardian and brought in the original container to the Health Office where it will be stored and secured. Parent permission notes are required for non-prescription and prescription medications. Prescription medications also require a written note from the doctor. The nurse will determine, according to the school medication policy, proper administration of all medications. Medication forms are available in the Health Office.

School Entrance Requirements: New Hampshire state law requires the following: 
1. Proper immunization in accordance with RSA141-C:20. Proof of immunization is a letter, statement or record from a health provider or former school showing each dose and the date administered.
2. Current physical examination in accordance with ED311.03.  Proof of physical examination is a signed, dated summary of findings of a completed physical examination performed by a licensed health care provider. 

All entering students or students transferring to the Dover School District must have received a physical examination and the required immunizations prior to school entry in accordance to ED311.03 and RSA 141-C:20.

A student who is unable to provide documentation of a physical examination and proof of acceptable immunization for conditional enrollment shall not be admitted to school unless the student presents a certificate of religious or medical exemption. 

A thirty (30) day exclusion notice may be issued by the school nurse for completion of these requirements or documentation of an appointment for a physical examination with a licensed heath care provider.

Dismissal Due to Illness: If it is necessary for a student to be dismissed because of illness, the student should go to the Health Office and see the nurse. All phone calls need to be made by the school nurse in order for the student to be dismissed for health reasons.

Doctor's Paperwork: If a student has gone to the doctor and has received paperwork regarding illness, immunizations and/or a physical, please bring a copy to the nurse to review and keep in his/her school record.