Senior Information

Graduation Date:
Thursday June 5th at 7:00pm
Location: Whittemore Center at UNH Durham, NH
Do you need a handicap parking permit for Graduation? 
Please email Ms. Cunio - [email protected]
Senior Awards Night
Tuesday June 3rd at 6:30pm
Location: Dover High School Auditorium
Mandatory Rehearsal: Tuesday June 5th 9:00am
*This is by invite only.  Students will receive their invitation 2 weeks prior to the event.
Cap and Gown Distribution:
Tuesday June 3rd at 7:40am-9:00am
Location: Dover High School Auditorium
Senior Barbeque:
Tuesday June 3rd at 11:00am-1:00pm
Location: Dover High School Gym and Auxiliary Gym
Elementary School Walk-Throughs:
Wednesday June 4th at 8:30am for the following schools: Garrison Elementary, Francis Hopkins, Woodman Park, Nottingham Elementary. 
Tuesday June 10th, Time TBA, Barrington Elementary 
Senior Banquet:
Saturday May 31st at 5:50-9:00pm, Boat Leaves Promptly at 6:00pm
Location: Isles of Shoals Steam Ship Company 315 Market St. Portsmouth NH
  • Senior Pictures - Due 10/23/24
  • Senior Baby Pictures - Due 10/23/24
  • Senior Bios - Due 10/30/24
  • Cap and Gown Orders - Due 01/19/25
  • Parent Recognition Ads (Optional) - Due 02/13/25
  • Senior Yard Signs (Optional) - Due 05/01/25
  • Purchase Yearbook (Optional)
  • NEW!!  Late Arrival Early Release Form

Additional Information

Senior Pictures 

Senior pictures are due on October 23, 2024

The Dover High School Administration has set the following guidelines for Senior Yearbook Photos. These guidelines are also provided as tips from professional photographers for the most flattering and timeless photos. Remember you can order your own style and poses for your senior photo package from a photographer, but the following guidelines must be used for your Senior Yearbook Photo.

Guidelines for all senior photos:

1. Submit a photo that is an original. Cell phones are not recommended as the

resolution quality is often poor.

2. No hats, props, or pets are allowed. The senior portrait focuses on the student.

3. Avoid clothing with writing.

4. Show distinction between you and the background.

5. If a senior does not submit a Senior Photo, the school picture taken on school photo day will be used in the yearbook. If there was no school photo taken by the school photographer, the student's name will appear in the Yearbook as "not pictured".

6. Please provide us a vertical headshot that is 300 dpi jpeg. Submit the Senior photo by Uploading your image directly to:

Note: Once you're at the Dover High School photo upload page you will enter Contact Information (name and email address in case we need to contact you with questions about the photo) and Photo Information (the first and last name of the student and grade).

You will receive confirmation of the photo submission.


Senior Baby Pictures

Senior baby/childhood pictures are due on October 23, 2024.
Senior students who would like their baby/childhood photo in the 2020 yearbook
should upload ONE photo using the link below. You will be prompted to enter
contact information about the person providing the photo, and image information
about the student that is pictured.
Submit the Baby/Childhood picture by Uploading the image directly to:
Follow the same instructions listed above for the Senior Photo submission.

Senior Bios

Senior biographies are due on October 30, 2024.

Seniors should prepare their bio in a Google Doc and have it ready to place
into a Google Form which will be provided to students during their Advisory
Block on October 21.

● Please make sure your bio is under 350 characters. (note that spaces and
special characters do count; you can use the character count feature on
Google Docs or Microsoft Word to double check)
● Please proofread!
● Type your name at the top of your biography as you would like it to appear in
the Yearbook. This will not be included in your bio, so it does not count for the
350 characters.
Things to Remember:
● Please be thoughtful about this task. Your senior bio will be printed
permanently in your yearbook. This is your opportunity to leave your final
personal message and impression on your fellow graduating classmates to
remember you in years to come.
● All submissions are subject to approval by yearbook staff, adviser, and
● Any inappropriate references will be edited or removed.

Cap and Gown Orders

Due Date: January 19, 2025

Parent Recognition Ads

Parent/Recognition Ads are due on February 13, 2025

Yearbook ads provide a unique space that you can reserve in the yearbook to honor your student.
Senior recognition ads can be purchased beginning 7/1/24 at:
From this screen Choose “Yearbook” and “Yearbook Ads”

Senior Yard Signs

Online store coming in April 2025

Purchase a Yearbook

  • 07/01-09/27/24 - $68
  • 09/28/24-01/31/25 - $74
  • 02/01-02/28/25 - $79
  • 03/01-05/16/25 - $85

Late Arrival/Early Release Form 

Seniors who are in good academic standing (cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher), with good attendance (within school board policy) and with no discipline suspensions are eligible to apply for Late Arrival/Early Release for the upcoming school year.  This can be done by one of the following ways:
  • Save the form by clicking here, enter your student's information and then e-mail it to [email protected]
  • Print off the form, fill it out and drop it off at the school
  • E-mail [email protected] with the student's name and your mailing address and she will send you a printed copy in the mail to fill out and then return back
Please note that students will only be able to arrive late or leave early once the form has been processed.  You will know when you look at the student's schedule in Infinite Campus and it changes from a Study Hall to saying either Late Arrival or Early Release.