Weekly Update

Dover High School and Regional Career Technical Center Information Update

Wednesday, March 5, 2025


Progress Reports

Third Quarter progress reports will be issued in Advisory on Friday, March 7 th and will be available on Infinite Campus as well. Please reach out to your student's teacher with any questions or concerns.


Spring Track Meetings

There will be a meeting for any girl interested in Spring Track on Thursday, March 6th at 2:40 pm in Room 225.  

There will be a meeting for any boy interested in Spring Track on Friday, March 7th at 2:40 pm in Room 225.  


Winter Guard and Percussion Show

The annual Winter Guard and Percussion Show will be held on Sunday, March 9 th at 1:00 pm.


Student of the Week

This week Dover High School recognizes senior Addison Henninger. Addison's nominating teacher shared the following observation, "Addison is able to balance her numerous honors classes as well as AP Calculus and AP Art. She is an accomplished artist and equestrian. She effortlessly manages all her academics and interests with determination and her infectious sense of humor. Addison's attention to detail is remarkable and she applies this to all her endeavors. She is a wonderful example to others." Addison is a member of the National Honor Society and the Latin Club with which she has started to compete in centamens. To support her passion for equestrian sports, she works at a horse barn. Next year she will attend Northeastern University.


Latin Club for Middle Schoolers

Latin Club for Middle Schoolers is a collaboration of Dover High Latin students and Dover Middle School students.  Students work together to learn the language of the ancient Romans using fun methods, games, and practices.  Topics include Greek and Roman gods and goddesses, days of the week, months of the year, the human body, myth stories, colors, class objects, the Roman Empire and ancient world, animals, and numbers.  Latin has associations with so many topics, and we show how Latin is the root of much of our languages and studies today.  Come join the fun!

Meetings:  Every Monday (except the first Monday of each month) after school beginning March 10, 2:30-3:25, room 142 Dover High School

Club Advisor:  Jennifer Connelly, [email protected]



Dover High School is scheduled to participate in the 2025 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) sponsored by the New Hampshire Departments of Education and Health and Human Services.  The survey date has been changed to Thursday, March 20 th. The survey asks about the health behaviors of students grades 9-12 including choices specific to nutrition, physical activity, injuries, sexual behaviors, tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use.  

We will be using paper and pencil surveys that will cause little or no risk to your child, but there is the chance they find certain questions to be sensitive.  The surveys are designed to protect your child's privacy. This means students will not put their names on the survey materials and no class or student will ever be mentioned by name in the results.  

The results of this survey will be reported out to the school board and community to help district planning to support students in the future.  

These surveys are voluntary. We would like all students to take part in the survey.   No action will be taken against the school, you, or your child if your child does not participate.  Students can skip any question that they do not wish to answer.  In addition, students may stop participating in the survey at any point without penalty.

If you do NOT want your student to take part in the survey you can obtain an opt out form from the Dover High School Main Office or by emailing Dean Stephens at [email protected]. Opt out forms must be returned to the office by March 5, 2025.

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Mrs. Stephens at Dover High School or the Department of Health and Human Services at 603-271-2170. Copies of the survey questionnaires are available in the Main Office if you wish to review them.


Camp Opportunities

CoastX is non-profit organization that is providing two summer camp opportunities for middle and high school students this summer.

The first camp is: Marine Art Program: "The Beauty and Challenges of Life Above and Below the Piscataqua River." Click here to view flyer.

The second camp is: "Explore the Ocean Like Never Before: A Week of Underwater Exploration and Adventure!" Click here to view flyer. 

The website for the organization is: www.coastx.org


Science Fair Opportunity

University of New Hampshire students are organizing an all-ages Science Fair at the University of New Hampshire and would love to invite students from Dover High School to participate.

This event will feature interactive exhibits from various science-based student organizations and departments at UNH, along with a student competition where participants can showcase their own projects. The university's student-led panels will serve as judges, providing constructive feedback and encouragement to youth interested in science of all grade levels (K-12). We believe this is a fantastic opportunity for students to engage with science in a hands-on way, connect with university students passionate about STEM, and gain experience presenting their work in an academic setting.

Please click here to view the attached flyer if you are interested. 


Study Club

After school tutoring and homework help is available every Tuesday and Thursday from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm for middle and high school students at St. John's Church located at 28 Cataract Avenue. High school students can set up an appointment by contacting Donna McAdam. Her contact information is: [email protected] or [email protected].


Destination College

The 26th Annual Destination College planning event for high school juniors and their families will take place at Southern New Hampshire University on Saturday, April 5, 2025, from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. This free event will feature college planning workshop sessions led by college representatives and school counselors on various elements of the college process, an opportunity to tour and dine at Southern New Hampshire University, and a college fair featuring both local and national colleges. Registration is required for all attendees. If interested, please see your school counselor to register.

Registration link:  http://go.pardot.com/e/995682/Forms-s-dc-registration/6djvb/730143216/h/jA9C2G7wMBFQkmIucY6AIrKWhkVMOZbdC71fyHfheI4


A Celebration of Learning & Diversity 

Dover Schools are hosting a celebration of learning and diversity on Thursday, April 10 from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm at Woodman Park School. We look forward to celebrating diversity and the cultural traditions of our community!   Please click here to view the flyer.


Student Drop Off and Pick Up

You will noticed we have posted new signage at Alumni Drive and Daley Drive and Daley Drive and the access road behind the school. We want to remind people that this is not an area to drop off or pick up students. Dover High School's Student Services buses drop off students behind the school. We have had many instances of people passing buses and other unsafe conditions created by students walking in that area. The road is only for buses and delivery vehicles. Please arrange to drop off and pick up your students in another area. We appreciate your cooperation as we work to keep all our students safe.

Graduation for the Class of 2025

The Graduation date has been approved and will be held on Thursday June 5 th at 7:00 pm at the Whittemore Center Arena on the campus of the University of New Hampshire UNH in Durham, New Hampshire.  For some answers to frequently asked questions please click here to view our 2025 Graduation Guide.   If you have any additional questions, please email Ms. Cunio - [email protected]



We continually reach out to students and families who have obligations by email and physical letters mailed to a student's residence. Our food service provider, Fresh Picks CafĂ©, sends out emails to the families of students who have a lunch balance. Students should make sure make sure all books, equipment, and uniforms have been returned and they have paid their lunch balance to avoid an obligation. Obligations impact the purchase of parking passes, dance and prom tickets, and graduation. Students may return items or pay off balances in the Main Office between 7:00 am and 3:00 pm.  Please contact Ms. Cunio at [email protected]. if you have any questions or need to update an email address.


Important Information about the FAFSA

The 2025-26 FAFSA is now open, and getting it done as soon as possible will help ensure you're eligible for the financial aid you need. Here is a quick checklist of what you need to do to prepare:
Step 1: Create Your FSA ID

If you don't have one yet, it's time to create your FSA ID. If you already have one, just  log in and double-check that everything works smoothly.
Step 2: Get Your Parent's FSA ID (if you're under 24)

Your parents will need to create their own FSA ID as well.  Check this chart to determine which parent(s) and spouse(s) need to create one.
Step 3: Need help?

Book an appointment with your School Counselor or contact Granite Edvance to make sure you have the support you need. Granite Edvance can assist you with any problems you run into while creating or accessing your FSA ID. Just book a FAFSA and Financial Aid Prep session, and they'll walk you through the process.