Weekly Update

over High School and Regional Career Technical Center Information Update

Wednesday June 8, 2022

Graduation has been Moved to Friday, June 10

Based on the forecast graduation has been moved to Friday, June 10th at 7:00 pm.  We will follow all the same plans; we are simply moving graduation forward one day.

Rain Date now being used- Friday, June 10- Graduation

-Students need to be on Dunaway Field at 8 am Friday morning for practice.  This usually takes the whole morning.  Tickets for handicap parking will be distributed after practice.

-The gates will open at 5:45 pm.  Graduates should be in the gymnasium at 6:00 pm to line up.

Students should wear their caps, tassels, gowns, and Dover High School sashes.  They should also wear any National Honor Society, National Technical Honor Society, and World Language Honor Society cords they have earned.  Caps should not have three-dimensional decorations and need to be school appropriate.  

-We have had some requests for an inordinately large number of guests.  As we mentioned in previous communications, the limiting factoring is parking.  Please carpool (graduates should drive with family members) and keep the number of guests to a reasonable number.  The event is being live streamed for people who want to watch it.  The attachment will show where people can park.  If you park on Daley Drive, please park on the right-hand side of the road and pull up to the car in front of you so we can get as many cars as possible parked there.  Parts of Daley Drive will not allow parking, but parking will be allowed along Daley Drive from Alumni Drive to the Dover Middle School, and from the first entrance of Dover Middle School to the split before Durham Road/Route 108.

-Students must have cleared all obligations to receive their cap and gown.  They can check in the Main Office with Ms. Cunio to see if they have any outstanding obligations.

You will find an attachment with further information and a map to help with parking.

We are looking forward to the graduation ceremony for the Class of 2022.

Underclassmen Parking

Beginning Monday, June 13th, and not before, juniors with either a Fire Lot or Bellamy Lot parking pass can park in the senior lot in front of the school.  At no time should any students be in a faculty lot.

Underclassmen Summative Assessment Schedule

The summative assessment schedule for underclassmen is found below.  Friday, June 10 through Wednesday, June 15 are full school days with regular start (7:40 am) and dismissal (2:30 pm) times as well as regular morning and afternoon bus runs.  Thursday June 16 and Friday June 17 are set aside for make ups and relearning/reassessment. Students do not need to be in school if their summatives are completed and they are not reassessing. Thursday June 16 will have regular morning and afternoon bus runs while on Friday June 17 the morning run will be at its regular time with the dismissal run being at 11:30 am.





Friday June 10

White Day


Block 1- summative


Block 2- review for summative


Block 3- summative


Block 4- review for summative





Monday June 13

Green Day


Block 1- summative


Block 2- review for summative


Block 3- summative


Block 4- review for summative





Tuesday June 14

White Day


Block 1- reassessment/prep for summatives in other classes


Block 2- summative


Block 3-

reassessment/prep for summatives in other classes


Block 4- summative





Wednesday June 15

Green Day


Block 1- reassessment/prep for summatives in other classes


Block 2- summative


Block 3-

reassessment/prep for summatives in other classes


Block 4- summative


Thursday June 16


No regularly scheduled classes. This is a time for make ups, relearning, and reassessment. Students should work directly with their teacher in the specific classes where they need to make up a summative or reassess.

Friday June 17


No regularly scheduled classes. This is a time for make ups, relearning, and reassessment. Students should work directly with their teacher in the specific classes where they need to make up a summative or reassess. Dismissal is at 11:30 am.



COVID-19 Layers of Mitigation

We want to remind students and families that many COVID-19 protocols remain in place even though the masking policy has changed to recommended but optional.  Please take note of these items:

1. Students are still expected to self-screen every morning.  The screener is attached.

2. Students who display symptoms of COVID-19 still need a negative test to return to school.

3.  If your student has allergies, including seasonal allergies, please be sure medical documentation is supplied to the Health Office.

4. Students who return must be masked for days 6 through 10.

Student Laptop Return

School issued laptops and chargers will be collected using the schedule below.  All laptops and chargers need to be returned to Room 245.

Underclassmen must return laptops and chargers on June 13th, 14th, and 15th.

New Hampshire Higher Education Assistance Foundation- Center for College Planning Summer Programs

·         College Essay Prep for rising seniors only

o   This program (formerly College Essay Boot Camp) is back and better than ever!

o   Interactive workshop that provides rising seniors a strong foundation to write their best college essay

o   Virtual and in-person sessions are available

o   Learn more + register HERE (see Essay Prep)

·         College Prep Webinars best for rising seniors (& parents)

o   Applying to College 101

o   Different College Pathways – 2-year vs. 4-year College

o   College Essay Do’s and Don’ts

o   Common App – 10 Things to Know

o   Financial Aid

o   Learn more + register HERE (see Webinar Series)

·         *NEW PROGRAM* I Am College Bound: I Rise for graduating seniors + their parents/guardians

·         New Hampshire's I Am College Bound: I RISE program assists rising college freshman with the transition from high school to college life

·         Virtual student + parent/guardian Transition to College 101 webinars available, as well as additional resources

·         Learn more + register HERE


Yearbooks are still in the printing/production process.  We have been given an estimated ship date (the day yearbooks leave the production facility) of June 6th.  Updates on arrival and distribution will be provided when we receive more information.


Athletic Eligibility

All students who want to play a fall sport at Dover High School during the 2022-23 school year are reminded that Quarter 4 grades of this school year are used to determine athletic eligibility for the start of the fall sports season for next school year.  It is not the final average for a course.


Student Leadership Opportunity- New Hampshire Legislative Youth Council

As a statutory committee of the New Hampshire legislature, the Council was established by RSA 19k:1 and consists of 19 youth of ages 15-22 from across the state. The Council examines issues of importance to youth, ranging from education, employment, and strategies to increase youth civic engagement to safe environments for youth, substance abuse, and mental health. The Council advises the legislature through meetings with legislators, statements/testimony, and an annual report of policy recommendations.

This is an incredible opportunity that allows students one-on-one interaction with New Hampshire State legislators. Students learn how to engage with the democratic process, advocate for their beliefs, and lead their peers. The Council meets once a month in Concord for two hours.

The Council is accepting applications from May 1st - June 30th. We would greatly appreciate it if you could share this opportunity with your students.

If interested, students can email their application (linked below) to our email address at [email protected].


Please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] with any questions.